Hello from Caroline and Rachel at Chrysalis Retreats!
How are you finding February?
It is a time when we are coming to the end of winter, and approaching spring. This brings the promise of new beginnings, and time to savour what is emerging for us and experiencing the growth from our winter.
Don't you love these garden snowdrops? They are a real inspiration - a beautiful herald to spring on its way.
We have been planning our Balance Retreat at our fave meeting place – The Yorkshire Sculpture Park. It has a great café, inspiring views, and gave us a chance to walk and talk in nature and art. We both came away so inspired! - See our pics below!
It has been a productive time to get together and plan more details of our retreat and develop our thoughts on balance to share with you.
Emerging from winter - a personal perspective
As we worked to develop resources for the retreat, we had space to reflect on our own balance as we are emerging from winter, and our own personal transitions, to think this through together.
I have had lots of ideas for change that have been developing in the hibernation of the last few months. This has resulted in several intentions around how I manage my coaching practice, spend time with my family, volunteer and develop my creativity. This means I am enjoying looking after my grandchildren, going to local community events and taking up sewing again. My overarching theme for the year is to explore, both to ignite new passions to find new ways to nourish myself. My journey of exploration feels a bit foggy at the moment, I’m not sure how it’s going or how it's going to look. My life is more fluid and unstructured just now. Boundaries are blurred, and that’s OK at the moment. I’m relishing this emergence and know that at some point there will be balance between old and new ways of being and doing. Just spending that time with Rachel helped me gain that clarity and build trust in myself.
Rachel: So it just happens that the seasons have aligned quite nicely with the birth of my son who was born in the summer - this week has been so beautiful, with longer and lighter days, gorgeous sunshine and the emergence of spring flowers. It also feels like an emerging period for us as a family as we come out of the first six months of his life. We are thankfully now in a period where he is sleeping through the night. He is very desperately trying to crawl so won't be far off moving, and is certainly no longer a newborn with newb
orn needs. And all that just feels really timely with the seasons. As a family it feels like we're emerging from what has been a private time really for the family. We're out in the world more than we were. I'm also planning my return to work part time this year and considering what that looks like. I'm just enjoying this time to think about how things have changed and what I want to change, having had some time for reflection about my work and the direction that it takes. I am taking the opportunity to reconsider where and how I want to spend my time. So I'm really looking forward to spring and emerging from my personal winter.
Our Balance Retreat - 21st May 2023
This day retreat is themed around balance - how we can bring more of what we need into our lives, and less of what puts us out of kilter. So whether you are going through a phase of transition in your life or you have plans for change but feel daunted by it, or you feel your time and energies are not in line with your priorities in life, this retreat is for you. On this retreat day you will have space and time to think. You will be guided and supported to explore:
How your life is balanced right now and what's important to you
How change affects your balance and how to manage that with ease
How it feels to be centred and grounded to access your inner strength
What changes you can make with confidence that will move you towards the balance you want
Just to remind you - this day retreat is set in a gorgeous rural landscape on the Derbyshire / Staffordshire border near Ashbourne. Our venue is a rustic and homely space on a working farm. A place to feel safe and cosy. We love the walk with its hedgerows, birdlife, pretty river and trees - so many opportunities to connect with nature - with a few man-made surprises!It is amazing what can be achieved in a day if we open ourselves to the experience of retreat and we would love you to join us and to create more balance in your life. We are limiting our numbers to 10 guests, so it remains small and intimate as well as supportive and collaborative. You can book now on our website, where you will also find more details:
Book by the end of February and receive a free gift from us!
How about Now?
Here are some thoughts on balance to get you thinking.
One simple way to consider balance is to aim to have the right amount of activity and rest. It can also be about how we spend time and energy and how we feel about this. Perhaps it is about the split between work and home for you? For some of us it may be the prospect of a big chance which is knocking us off balance. Balance is personal and different for each of us.
Take time to pause and consider what your balance looks and feels like, and what you notice about this. Are you wobbling? Are you feeling out of kilter? Do you want more, or less of something in your life to feel balanced? Just noticing how you feel can prompt some small change that can make a big difference to your balance as allow space for your own wisdom can guide you to understand better what you need.
Hoping to meet you in May, and we will be in touch before then.
Caroline & Rachel xx
Here at Chrysalis Retreats our vision is to support women to take a pause and reflect at key moments in our lives and clarify what’s important as we move forward. We recognize that women face specific challenges in life and in work that show up in times of transition or uncertainty, and we are here to guide and support women on their personal journey. Our retreats are designed to allow spacious time for reflection, to learn from each other and experience the joy of being in nature.
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